Welcome To Premier Media

We are excited to partner with you

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Premier Media is the nation’s leading guide to professionals in a wide spectrum of fields. We profile the best-of-the-best in cities across the United States. Our guides are exclusively distributed in select metro editions of the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, reaching a demographically appealing audience.

We are the recognized authority in developing custom content features and articles for top professionals in the financial, medical and legal fields. Our highly acclaimed Premier Financial Advisors, Doctors and Legal guides continue to receive excellent reviews for their upscale magazine feel and overall quality.

  • Custom Publishing

    We can help our clients reach a highly qualified audience in a cost-efficient way that targets key demographics and markets in publications across the country. Premier has a successful track record of taking brand messages to the next level and producing turnkey solutions that meet and exceed ROI metrics. Our team of award winning writers, designers production and project management staff provide expertise in developing high quality custom content, special sections and display advertising.

  • Custom Content

    Every great business has a great story to tell and Premier Media can help local and regional advertisers tell their stories in publications across the country. Our professional writers, photographers and editors will create content that tells your story, emphasizes your community status and delivers a compelling portrait of what you do.

  • Digital

    Premier Media is building a dynamic and compelling digital presence across all multi media platforms. From native advertising to social media, Premier provides real time solutions and ROI across all channels.

  • Partner
    With Us


"Paul, You have done such an excellent job in this publication. It was an honor to be included.Thank you."
"Hi Paul, Thanks! The doctor/attorney couple are coming in for their 2nd appt this evening. We met with another prospect yesterday who was a top executive at local bank and have a 3rd meeting with another prospect next month. Good leads for sure!"
"Our newspaper landed with an extra thud on our driveway this morning and I just knew it was because of the supplement to the Wall Street Journal. As expected, our copy had the insert and we are pleased that it looks so good. Thanks for the copies you had delivered to our office and the reprints you sent. We will definitely use them!"
"It has been a pleasure working with you and I look forward to keeping in touch regarding future opportunities."
"Thanks for the update, these look great!"
"And thanks for the ease of working with your team. This has gone very well from our viewpoint. All the best."


As seen in the Wall Street Journal

Atlanta's Premier Lawyers

Arizona Premier Financial Advisors

New England Premier Financial Advisors

New England's Premier Lawyers

Pacific Northwest Premier Financial Advisors

Pacific Northwest's Premier Lawyers

North Texas Premier Financial Advisors

Colorado Premier Financial Advisors

Capital Region's Premier Lawyers

Houston Premier Financial Advisors

Capital Region's Premier Lawyers

Central Florida Premier Financial Advisors